Maneca is a cycle 2 meat packing-plant.

We have a modern and large infrastructure, which allows us to comply with the sanitary standards of the most demanding export destinations.

Contamos con un sistema de Trazabilidad de última generación, lo que nos permite conocer la procedencia de los animales, continuar a lo largo del proceso hasta y terminar con cada caja despachada.

Nuestras producciones son personalizadas acorde a las necesidades de cada cliente, convirtiendo a Frigorífico Maneca S.A en un gran proveedor a nivel mundial.

Due to our latest technology traceability system, we are able to know animals’ origin and check throughout the entire process, from the beginning till boxes are delivered.

Frigorifico Maneca S.A has become the largest worldwide meet supplier as we produce customized orders according to our clients’ requirements.

“We take care of every stage of production on our Black Label meat project”


Our commitment to our clients is providing the highest quality meat cuts in market, since our animals are raised and fed under an excellent environment.


Staying on the highest level of Argentina meat exporters.


Commitment, quality, responsibility and a customized customer service, keeping international safety and hygiene standards.

Advantage of our industrial process

less pollution



less contarction

+ 54 (11) 4725 1400 //



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